September 7, 2002 - Salisbury, Maryland
The Quest For Twin Tattoos

Phase Three - Explosive Tattoos
Hopefully not quite as hazardous as the name would seem to imply...

3:56 pm - After reaching the town of Salisbury, and a bit of driving around, we managed to pass by Explosive Tattoos. Two quick u-turns and we were ready to feel the pain. Here, Rob and Sam's mother Jeanne reluctantly enters the establishment.
Rob and Sam filled out all the necessary paperwork and proceed to chat up the lady at the front desk while they wait their turn. I realized that my flash was off for this shot, so I took another one right after...
This one somehow looks more cheesy and badly lit, or maybe it's just cheesy due to the fact that Jordan decided to jump goofily into frame. It's hard to say, really... And please note the bag of doughnuts and the brown bag of Chinese takeout from two doors down. Tattoo artists must get really hungry.
4:31 pm - Being that he is 6 minutes older, Rob claims his birthright and snags the chair to be tattooed first. The tattoo guy, who I think was named Dave, draws Thing One's outline as Sublime blared on the overhead speakers.
Colored ink or blood? You make the call...
Here, Rob makes a goofy painful face because he knew I was taking a picture. This one came out blurry, but it simply had to be included because Rob is a total dork. Yes.
All done! Rob's suffering is over, despite the fact that his back appears to be three different shades of skin tone due to some fluke of the lighting. But yes, we have Thing One.
5:03 pm - Sam hops in the chair for his outlining process, and he is more ready than Rob to admit that it hurt. But I think they both took it well. A lot of blood and sweat (with little deoderant on Sam's part) but no tears. I enjoyed the music of the second tattoo session better because by this time, they had popped in Weezer's blue album.
The final shot from inside the tattoo parlor, you can barely see the blue hair of Thing Two as the tattoo artist's hands blur by. Ladies and gentlemen... we have Thing Two.

[ continue to phase four of the trip ]