Cruise 2010
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Welcome to the Carnival Fantasy!

Pose like an Egyptian. The Cleopatra Piano Bar, oddly enough, was decked out in all things ancient Egypt.

Did I mention all things ancient Egypt?

Welcome to Freeport, Bahamas!

This be a Bahamian fountain.

Die, flamingo! Die!!!

And the award for the dude who got the second highest score at trivia goes to... yeah. Me.

Oh yeah, Kitty Glitter. That would make a good drag name. What? Did I type that out loud?

Oh yeah, this is the life... Total award count for this cruise: 3 Ships, 1 Medal.

Diane sings, "Why Does My Mic Have A Brightly Colored Cord?"

This ship featured a guest talent show again, like our very first cruise, which turned out to be nine people singing. This lady's performed "At Last" by Etta James. Here, she chats with Cruise Director Risa.

One of the stars from karaoke for the week, he performed Elvis' version of "My Way".

I forget exactly what he sang, but I remember it was a church song dedicated to his mother.

Grass skirt. Ukelele style guitar-playing. "Let's Talk Dirty In Hawaiian". Nuff said.

This gentleman, known as Don Juan, sang the theme song from "Love Story".

This gentlemen decided he wanted to change his ways, and was starting with the "Man In The Mirror".

This one was another church song, and I can't remember the title... Shame!

This dude rocked out to "Over My Head (Cable Car) by The Fray. He even made the band learn to play it in a few hours because they didn't know the song. Way to rock!

This lady sang "I Believe In You And Me" by Whitney Houston.

Towel scorpion, night 4. And I've already been informed by a few of my Facebook peeps that the dirty minded may see something different in this towel.

* Continue the Cruise Adventure... *
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