Atlanta Zoo 2003

Well, it seems that neither Jason nor Diane actually ended up being in any of these pictures, so let's make this an educational photo set, shall we?


Any of several large gregarious wading birds of the family Phoenicopteridae of tropical regions, having reddish or pinkish plumage, long legs, a long flexible neck, and a bill turned downward at the tip.

[Portuguese flamengo, or Spanish flamenco both probably from Old Provençal flamenc, from flama, flame, from Latin flamma.]


Either of two very large herbivorous mammals, Elephas maximus of south-central Asia or Loxodonta africana of Africa, having thick, almost hairless skin, a long, flexible, prehensile trunk, upper incisors forming long curved tusks of ivory, and, in the African species, large fan-shaped ears.

[Middle English elefaunt, from Old French olifant, from Vulgar Latin *olifantus, from Latin elephantus, from Greek elephs, elephant-.]


Any of several large, thick-skinned, herbivorous mammals of the family Rhinocerotidae, of Africa and Asia, having one or two upright horns on the snout.

[Middle English rinoceros, from Latin rhnocers, from Greek rhnokers : rhno-, rhino- + keras, horn]


An African ruminant mammal (Giraffa camelopardalis) having a very long neck and legs, a tan coat with orange-brown to black blotches, and short horns. It is the tallest land animal, often reaching a height of 5 meters (16 1/2 feet), and feeds principally by browsing in the tree canopy of wooded grasslands.

[French girafe, from Italian giraffa, from Arabic dialectal zirfa, probably of African origin.]


The largest of the anthropoid apes (Gorilla gorilla) native to the forests of equatorial Africa, having a stocky body and coarse, dark brown or black hair.

[New Latin, from Greek Gorillai, a tribe of hairy women, perhaps of African origin.]

An unusual relative of the crocodile, called a Gavial or Gharial.

A large reptile (Gavialis gangeticus) of southern Asia, related to and resembling the crocodiles and having a long slender snout. Also called gharial.

[French, from Hindi ghariyal, from Sanskrit ghantikah, alligator, gavial, probably from ghanta, bell (from the bulbous end of its snout).]

My friend, the Tiger... we'll skip the history lesson here because I actually have a story...

There were a few people gathered around this exhibit when we came through, and they were trying to coax the tiger closer to the glass with no luck. Shortly after we arrived, the tiger came right over to the glass where I was standing and laid down in front of me.

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